Ron Smith wrote:

> Have you tried climbing with flaps fully extended?

Yep, I did the same thing.  Climbed right out, flew downwind, got ready to 
put the flaps down, and they were already down!  That either means my flaps 
don't drag as much as Mark Jones' bellyboard (probably true) or that I have 
more power than Mark does (I know that's true!). I need an indicator too, 
although I can actually see the flap position by the bellcrank that I can 
see right down next to the stick.

> I was planning on building the same flaps you did and
> also having flaps in the stub section. I'm wondering
> if that might be too much, in a flap extended, stuck
> condition.

I don't think mine are too big, or too small, really.  There's a serious 
pitch change when I deploy them even though though only operate over a 30 
degree range at this point (mainly due to real estate considerations under 
my seat). Stall speed is reduced by 5 mph right now, but I won't swear that 
I know what that number is right now (55 indicated without flaps, 50 with 
flaps) as my static system is always changing and I haven't checked stall 
speed lately.

> Any reading that I might do on that?

Tea leaves?

> BTW, can you write a little about your flap
> preformance? Approach speeds, deployment speeds, etc?

I think they work fine, but then I've never tried Larry's or Mark J's 
either.  I may be missing the boat, for all I know.  I slow the plane down 
to 110 mph by the time I'm downwind and abeam the end of the runway, then 
drop the rpm to 1650 or so and let it start descending.  I'm probably doing 
about 90 when I turn base, 80 when I turn final, and hold it at about 70 all 
the way down to flare.  When it actually touches down, I might be doing 60, 
but I'm not looking at the ASI, so I could be wrong.  I know I can deploy my 
flaps at 120, but I try not to do it above 100 mph.  I'm fairly amazed that 
they were strong enough for 120, but I accidently tested them to that speed, 
not realizing they were down while I accelerated after a stall test.

I've started a list of performance observations and things I'd do 
differently at ...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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