To Peter Drake.

O.K. Peter, lets try this:
If you stand at the tip of the wing, looking towards the fuselage, the 
first rib you see is a 3/8 wooden rib.
That one is 36 inches long.Let us label that one "A"

The next rib you will see is made out of 2 inch foam (B)

 The next rib (C) is also made out of 2 inch foam.

(D) is also 2 inch foam

(E) however is just 1 inch foam
(F) and (G) are wooden ribs, 48 inches long and are part of the center 

(B), (C) and (D) are equilly spaced

You then put a very straight board with sand paper attached on (A) and 
and start sanding and sanding and sanding.!

When finished, the ribs (B), (C), (D) and (E) will have just the right 

Hope this helps, good luck. If you have more questions, feel free to 
contact me off line.

Louis Staalberg
Payson, Arizona 

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