I am writing with what is probably an unusual request for this site. I am a photo researcher currently working on finding images to illustrate math problems in a high school geometry textbook. We are interested in using an image of a plane which has a four link parallelogram canopy mechanism (like Les Palmer's).
We would need a color, high resolution photo of the image (300dpi) or a good quality print or transparency. (It appears that the images on your website are 72dpi.) We would also ask that you sign a letter for permission. Please let me know whether or not you might be able to help with this request and whether or not you have any questions. If you are able to put me in touch with someone who does have images of these planes with this canopy mechanism, that would be appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Paul Paul M. Rudolph Senior Photo Researcher McDougal Littell 222 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116 p 617.369.6847 f 617.351.1203