Hi Mark, Great to see you flying.
My pre first flight briefing was done by a 70+ year old crop duster, fly anything with wings type, pilot and instructor. He is 6'5" and doesn't fit in my KR2 :-( His main advice was to learn tail dragger flying, fly from a grass strip, even if it's beside the sealed strip. Grass is more forgiving, more drag, slight side ways movement doesn't bite you as hard, grass doesn't have the same heat rising causing you to float, etc, etc, etc. And fly half the length of the strip at just ABOVE stall speed as low as you can and then power away and do it again and again and again and again.................till you can do it smoothly. I practiced this in a Tomahawk prior to my first flight (that was the only aircraft available to hire), and intended to do this on my first flight in the KR2, but it felt so right I just let it land. I have since done this many, many, many times in all sorts of weather, getting a little too low sometimes and gently bumping the ground every now and then. And his last piece of advice was to check your grip in the stick at 100 feet, don't be strangling it subconsciously. And remember, you already know how to fly, the plane knows how to fly, so don't fight it, let it happen at it's own pace, don't rush it on to the ground. This worked for me with my very low hours and I'm no expert, These words of wisdom may help you (and others), or at least get us thinking. regards Barry Kruyssen Cairns, Australia RAA 19-3873 k...@bigpond.com http://www.users.bigpond.com/kr2/kr2.htm ----- Original Message ----- From: Mark Langford Yes, I flew it again, and lived to tell about it. There are a few details at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/first_flights/subsequent.html ...