I don't believe that the wing span is the determining factor.  Take a glider 
with a 23 meter (75ft) wing span, there is no way your are in ground effect at 
12 m (37ft) of the ground.  Wing span, cord length, wing loading and spead must 
be in the calculation (guessing).

Not being an expert, and not needing to the scinentific reasons, just nowing 
how to use it and/or deal with it is all I need know. :-)

Barry Kruyssen
Cairns, Australia
RAA 19-3873 


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: larry flesner 
  To: KRnet 
  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:04 PM
  Subject: Re: KR> ground effect

  At 07:57 AM 5/26/05 -0500, you wrote:
  >Larry wrote-
  >>I doubt that there is an airplane flying that can land without
  >>experiencing ground effect.
  >Wilga and Storch ;o)
  >Oscar Zuniga

  I doubt that even their wing is higher than half their wingspan 
  above the ground.  Close maybe, with little effect, but with all 
  their highlift devices, I doubt they would notice it anyway.  

  Larry Flesner

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