Update on my Avid/VW spinner install.I just had crow for supper.Kinda
chewy but I don't mind sharing some with the net.Seems my opinion,screws
optional on the front bulkhead was,well,wrong!After 5 hours of test
flying,I noticed my vibration slowly returning.So slowly as to not even
notice.Someone said the spinner wobbles.Yeah they all wobble a little.Now
I notice a grove in the front of the cowl.At least a 1/4 inche from the
spinner.Wonder how that happened?Still oblivious to the obvious,I taxi out
for flight.I'm looking at my shadow on the ground and the spinner looks
like it's wobbling Duh.Got out and looked sure enough probablly an inch
out of round at idle.Just checked it.It felt secure but was actually
flexing while running.Now there are 10-32 screws with nutplates on the
front bulkhead.Tommy W.