I've spent some time this week repairing the fire damage to my
cowl.  I laid the bottom cowl bottom side up and laid plastic
over the damaged area plus a bit extra.  I then laid up three
layers of glass over the plastic.  I marked the damaged area
to be cut out, overlaid the new cured glass and marked out
an area approx one inch larger.  I then cut out the damaged
area, trimmed the new glass and epoxy/floxed it in place.
This afternoon I mixed some epoxy/micro, feathered the edges
and laid one layer of deck cloth over the patch.  I'll sand off
the edges in the morning, mount the cowl and go flying.  I'll
worry about the primer and paint later when I re-do my left
wing and wheel covers.

I've finished rebuilding/painting the 500X5 wheels and brakes
and have new lower attach fittings built and painted.  I hope
to get them mounted in the next few weeks.  I haven't drilled
the fittings for the gear leg attach yet as I hope to do a toe-in,
toe-out adjustment when I mount them.  I recently purched a
cheap laser level and will use that to set them at zero toe-in.
The 500X5 tires are the same diameter as my 600X6's (13 inches)
but they only look half as wide.  Now I need to bite the bullet and
order a set of the new RV pants.  My friends flying Mooneys 
will have to run an extra inch or two manifold pressure to stay
with me when I get them mounted.  :-)

Don't forget to get out of the house tomorrow by going to the 
airport so your kids Mother can have a day of peace and
quiet. :-)

Larry Flesner

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