
If both main wheels toe in (actually the right wheel is toed out) are set to 
point to the right, your friends airplane will pull to the right whenever it 
is motion.  The faster your friend goes(on the ground) the more pronounced 
the pull to the right will be. When both wheel are set to toe in, the 
airplane will track straighter.  If too much toe in used, the  result will 
be difficultly in turning and tire scuffing.

 It sounds like your friend needs to spend a little time to reset the 
geometry on his landing gear.

Brant Hollensbe

> have noticed that his toe-in both point to the right (if u sit in the
> plane), and the camber is also not looking great. How will this affect 
> landing..... Andy Hatting

  • KR> toe-in Andy Hatting
    • KR> toe-in Brant Hollensbe

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