I just returned from the airport after yet another YEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 
flight. A perfect day for flying. I just may have to go back and watch the sun 
set from 3000'. Anyway, I flew the 52" diameter three blade Warp Drive set at 
17° which is equal to 48" pitch. The take off roll was much shorter than the 
56x64 Sterba prop I was flying. Cruise was 135mph at 3500' and an rpm of 2950. 
I like the  Warp Drive with the exception that I noticed more vibration with it 
than with my wooden prop. I sent the wood prop to Ed Sterba to get it 
re-pitched to a 54x54. When I get it back, It will go back on my plane. Once I 
fly the new Sterba prop and performance is still lacking, I will bite the 
bullet and buy me an Ellison EFS3A carburetor and sell the EFS2 I am currently 

Mark Jones (N886MJ...FIRST FLIGHT made 3-20-2005)
Wales, WI  USA 
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at   

Mark Jones (N886MJ...FIRST FLIGHT made 3-20-2005)
Wales, WI  USA 
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at   

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