Doug Said The KR2S, when built without the plans located header tank, will not have much CG shift. I forget the exact number, but mine with wing tanks shifts less than two inches from empty fuel light pilot to full fuel with heavy passengers. I think Mark Jones said his was closer to an inch the other day ---------------------------------- I have a KR2, Can I NOT use the header Tank. Some are telling me I MUST have a header tank to help with the balance.
My wing tanks are from the back of the main outter spar aft 13 inches and 45 inches outwards. these hold 45 litures.( 11 US Gals) The rear C/G limit is about 4 inches behind the main spar , per plans) less the last 2 inches . Comments Please on NOT having a header Tamk and possible balance problems. ( engine will be 95kgs) and can move forward OK. Phil Matheson VH-PKR ( Phil's KR) 61 3 58833588 Australia.( Down Under) See My KR2 Building Web Page at: See our VW Engines and Home built web page at