You can get kiln dried Douglas Fir at any lumber yard. All you have to = do is sort through the pile a little to make sure you get the right grain orientation and defect free. Buying several 2x12 20 footers can yield = almost all you need to build the bird. Of course you have to run them thru the = band saw and planer to get the sizes required but you'd be surprised how easy = you can cut out defects and use the resulting wood throughout the project. = Just make sure you get kiln dried stock. Doug Rupert
I used Douglas Fir for the tail feathers on my first KR and would have = used it on the wing spars if I hadn't already built them. I got the Douglas = Fir from the trim wood from an old house that was torn down. It was FREE!!! Pat Driscoll =20 --=20 Internal Virus Database is out-of-date. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.6.2 - Release Date: 3/4/2005 =20