It was decidedly unpopular among the old guard at the '97 Gathering as it
was too big and didn't look like a KR.  It was refered to as "Big Bird" or
"that big plane".  Jeannette made a point to walk around it and tell me
everything she didn't like about it before telling me she really preferred
the little KRs like Ken's.  The attitude change over the last several years
has been interesting.
>-Jeff Scott

My KR and Jeff's are very similar in size and I have nothing but
admiration for anyone that completes a KR of any size.  The
only ride I was able to give at last years Gathering was to
Willie Wilson from England.  His comment after the flight was
" my KR was the best he's ever flown with two people on board".
Anyone that doesn't like the 2S or our longer then "2S" models
obviously hasn't flown one.  Many people ask if mine is a
Glassair when they first see it because I have the rear windows
in the baggage area.  You must realize that probably half the
people flying airplanes today have never seen a KR2  or even
know that they exist.  We'll just have to try harder to educate
the uninformed.

On a sadder note, it is with a great deal of sorrow that I inform
you that the unoffical "offical Gathering photo ship" has been
sold.  I expect to close on the deal Monday.  The trusty Tripacer,
2917P, has made most of the Gatherings since 1998 and 
was the platform for many of the awesome air-to-air photos
taken of KR's in flight including the three ship formation photo
taken at Red Oak.  It will be moving just two doors down from
it's present hangar so I will be able to see it from time to time
and maybe even get to go for a ride once in a while.  

I'd best close before my teardrops short out the keyboard.  I bet
there's a country song in there somewhere.  :-)

Larry Flesner

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