Jack, You're right that the Square Wave 175 has been replaced with the 185. At the time I bought the 175, the Lincoln was the better choice between it and the Miller, for what I was doing. Miller has also come out with new models, so like Brian said, check them both out (online opinions, maybe), and then buy it at SNF or OSH. I know Lincoln sells them at those two shows at dealer cost, so you can't buy it anywhere else cheaper, and they will indeed ship it free to your house. That's the way I got mine. I welded with it for about 2 minutes and said "I've gotta have one", because up until then, I'd tried to weld for months with no sucess, but all of the sudden I was doing nice beads that I could live with. I then signed up for the Sportair TIG welding course, and had one of the best 4130 welders in the world to tell me that my welding was good enough for aircraft work, so I think I'm good to go. (See some details on our class at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/sportair/ ).
I suspect the reason that you don't see Square Wave 175's on ebay is because not that many welders are dying...which is the only way most 175 owners would part with theirs! I had the chance to work on my airbox last weekend, and fired up the welder 10-12 times to tack little pieces of aluminum, 4130, and stainless together. I didn't know how much I needed it until I got it, and now I look at fabrication in an entirely different way... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net --------------------------------------------------------------