First off, flew today! Exactly 1 month from last flight, wow! Topped up with fuel, complete thorough pre-flight, and pulled it out onto the taxi lane from the parking spot so as not to put prop wash and debris all over nearby airplanes. Pictures are enclosed of the plane right after pulling up at the end of the flight.
Flight report. Temp 79 degrees. Baro 30.01 Wind light & variable, runway in use 27L, 27C, and 27R. 14 gallons of fuel on board, my weight at 206 plus 5# for my bag with radio and headset, camera, GPS etc... Engine fired up first time using full choke, after spinning no more that 2 revolutions. Choke off and 1500 rpms to help engine warm up while I turn the radio on, put on headset, copy ATIS, and then begin taxi with break check. Brakes good, begin slow taxi to runup area. Temp starting to come, hold it with brakes, check flight controls again, bring engine up to 1700 rpms, and test each ignition for independent operation, both good, carb heat applied 300 rpm drop good, idle check with carb heat on, good, taxi to locator spot to call ground control. Cleared to 27C at Romeo taxiway, almost full length of 3750 feet available. Good, evaluating a new prop so lots of room is a good thing. The long taxi does not bother me as I get used to the wind direction in preparation of the takeoff. Opposite traffic passes on taxiway, and they almost run off into grass looking at the KR! Too funny. Back to business. Lineup check, transponder on, and set to 1200, call tower. I am number 2 so slight wait. 79 degrees out and the oil temp is good at 185degrees. Pressure steady at 35 pounds. Idle smooth at 1000, will hold at 700, but alittle rough. Cleared for takeoff now, transponder on, verify carb heat off, choke off, lineup, and full throttle. Big change in acceleration! Lots of corrective rudder and speed coming up much quicker. Rotate nose at 70, doesn't want to unstick until 82 mph. Then I remember that I read 10 mph high, so it did separate just above a true 70. Climb with more authority so choice is made to take it to the practice area and test more that just pattern work. 15 minutes later I am 3500' over the St. John's River and testing for stalls. Power off approach to landing, IAS 72 mph. Power on 69 mph. Power off same with and without speed brake. Will cruise at IAS of 105 mph at 2600 rpm, and 135 mph at 2900-3000. Max rpm 3100. Climb measured with stop watch from 2000' to 3000' was 1 min 4 sec, so she is now consistently delivering 500 fpm from Sea level. Simulated emergency descent to 185 mph showed no signs of flutter in controls or loss of any control effectiveness, or excessive load. Did several Chandelles, and Lazy 8s. Krs do great commercial maneuvers! Back at the airport, cleared to enter left base for 27L, report 3 miles. Turn north to establish base leg, pull throttle back to 1500 rpm, and add 25 degrees of speed brake. A very gentle descent begins and I watch for the "corner" to run final. Turn final slight wind out of the southwest, so left aileron, right rudder for cross wind correction, planes is on rails coming down to the numbers. 3/4 mile final, add last 25 degrees of speed brake. Descent angle alittle too shallow, add some power, back on glide, reduce power, round out over the numbers, in ground effect, engine to idle, kiss the runway, slight bounce and then it sticks, roll it on with smooth forward stick, tail high, apply full power, tail wags like a beginner, speed brake off, and 10 seconds later off she goes.. 2 More laps in the pattern with same results, except smoother landings those times. Final pattern circuit, to the center runway, more cross wind, 240 degrees at 10 knots gusting to 14 knots. Same pattern 105 downwind IAS, 95-100 on base, 90-95 IAS on final, allowing it to slow to 85 just before the numbers, into ground effect at 80 makes for a very nice wheel landing with great control. Rollout to Mike taxiway, switch to ground control, and do my cleanup checklist, lost of questions from ground about plane, then cleared to ramp. Oh did I bother to say how I got several bugs in my teeth on the motorcycle ride home due to that silly grin still plastered on my face.... FLY SAFE!! Colin & Beverly Rainey Apex Lending, Inc. 407-323-6960