I created the seating for my KR-2S using an Oscar template.  Oscar is a 50th 
percentile male torso, with 95th percentile legs.  Oscar is what is used in the 
automotive seating industry for seat design.   Once I got my seats and center 
console fabricated, I was amazed at how much headroom I had, and how 
comfortable the seats were.  Mind you that I still hadn't put foam or upolstery 
on the seats yet, but I made allowances to make sure that I would have 35mm 
"meat to metal" in the back and 50mm "meat to metal" on the cushion.  Just like 
what is used in automotive seat comfort criteria. For those non-mtric types, 
25.4 mm = 1 inch.
Good luck

Ron Smith <> wrote:

I raised the total fuselage height by 2 inches. I'm going to make a carbon 
graphite seat that rests on the floor, so I think I should have enough head 
room. I'm 5' 8".

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO
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