>Is it really necessary to have clearance between the fairing and the wing? I >have ours glassed to the wing with a clearance around the leg. In fact, I >would like to have had more clearance around the leg, but I am hoping this >will do. >Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I have a very small faring on the outside (wheel side )of the leg only. My faring is glassed to the underside of the wing and I used tape to keep it from bonding to the leg. The paint however formed a bit of a bond and I noticed on the annual last week that I have a hairline crack at the wing/fairing attach point. It may just be a crack in the paint as I didn't go into it any further. I don't consider it to be "life-threatning". If it is indeed a crack in the glass it would be where the fairing comes off the wing surface. I've really only had one hard landing in the several hundred landings to date and that was the first one. Larry Flesner