At 05:56 AM 1/11/2005, you wrote: >HI All, >I've been glassing the underside of my wing stubs and the inside of my >wing tanks today, wow that vinyl ester is awful to work with (sticky). >I have a question about where my Diehl type gear legs enter the stub. I'll >need to fair the legs in a bit, Do most make these fairings removable or >are they normally glassed to the leg and the bottom skin of the stub and >left as a permanent fixture??
My gear legs is similar to the Diehl and I made the fairings semi-removable. I put a layer of duct tape on the wing and gear leg, then added foam and modeling clay to shape. This was covered with three-four plys of glass. After it cured, I cut the fairing along the trailing edge and removed it. After it was trimmed to shape I "glued" it back on with bath tub caulk. Then I used dry micro to blend the fairing in to the wing and gear surface. I left a joint line between the fairing and the dry micro so that it will not damage the paint if I have to remove it later. The duct tape leaves a small gap around the leg and the glass can flex and not crack. Don Reid - donreid "at" Bumpass, Va Visit my web sites at: AeroFoil, a 2-D Airfoil Design And Analysis Computer Program: KR2XL construction: Aviation Surplus: EAA Chapter 231: Ultralights: VA EAA State Fly-in: