Great flight report Colin. With regards to the trim, Many gliders do not have a control surface trim, instead they use a spring (or springs) to trim the aircraft. As my elevator is not balanced, but I do have a trim control surface, I attached a length of shock cord (stretch bungy cord) to my top elevator cable and stretched it through the seat back to hold my elevator level and tied it off (not adjustable). I hardly need to use my trim. (NOTE: in sailing we use shock cord into cleats to assist in trimming some of the smaller sailing boats, this is where I got the idea)
I intend to use the adjustable idea on the right rudder cable to trim the aircraft during climb and cruise (on decent no rudder is required, on cruise only the slightest right rudder is required) The advantage of shock cord is that being stretchy you can override the trim with normal control inputs In your case you could extend the shock cord into a cleat and make your trim adjustable via the shock cord. Tonight I'll be going to the airport so I will take so photos of my shock cord and add to my WEB page, I'll post the link tomorrow. regards Barry Kruyssen Cairns, Australia RAA 19-3873 ----- Original Message ----- Subject: KR> Flight report from Colin Rainey She got alittle busy with the new weight, but nothing that was unsafe, just kept wanting to lift the nose. I do not have adjustable trim so this meant having to maintain forward pressure on the stick. Later I think I will install elevator trim, even mechanical for this reason.