As of today 6.6 hrs on the hobbs, 2 flights, 1 yesterday and one today.
Still not happy with the prop. Think I either have way too much prop or
retarded timing alittle too much prop. Anyhow, testing going well. Simulated
a person with 100# today and went well with climb and maneuvers. Landing
left alittle to be desired as I bounced very slightly twice! Just up a
couple of inches, but enough to irritate me. Yesterday shot 6 landings, and
all were on the money, greasers to make mom proud!  Guess I have to
anticipate the effects of the weight. Also flew to practice area today and
found that in all directions the ASI was off 10 knots from the GPS.  I think
this is due to the static port, so I will disconnect the port and try again.
If this is closer then I will relocate to the rear fuselage in the future as
you suggested, but for now will use cabin static, knowing there is a slight
variance there as well.  She got alittle busy with the new weight, but
nothing that was unsafe, just kept wanting to lift the nose. I do not have
adjustable trim so this meant having to maintain forward pressure on the
stick.  Later I think I will install elevator trim, even mechanical for this
reason.  Engine ran like a top!  Oil still looks brand new from the change. 
Alternator still stinks, not charging more than 12 volts below 2000rpms but
fine above at 13.5 volts.  Will try to get some pictures from in-flight, no
chase plane, so will be from inside.  Working on video, but coming slow...

Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.

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