> Today, I finally got my stick buttons wired. I hooked up the battery
> and
> turned on all the switches. The elec turn coordinator started
> whining. I
> pushed the down trim button and the tab responded, I pushed the up
> button
> and again the tab responded appropriately. All those wires and it
> always
> amazes me when things work as designed. Now I have to figure out how
> to get
> the PTT to control the Sportys hand held.
> See N64KR at http://KR-Builder.org - Then click on the pics
I said the same thing when I turned my panel on for the first time. And
even with the engine run this past week I was going through numbers on
the monitor and it wasn't until latter that I rememberred hooking up some
more functions and knew what some of the readings were. I have one thing
that I didn't shake out on my panel yet. when I turn the radio off the
turn coordinator slows down. I think that I have a ground back feeding
some how. Congrats on one more step closer.
Joe Horton