I am still busy overhauling my KR2. In order to remove the WAFs, I finally 
had no other choice than to remove the ribs. So, I now have to redo the 
ribs (both the outer center section ribs and the wings inboard ribs).

Today, my aircraft (which has pre-modlded wing skins) does not quite 
follow the plans. The outter center section rib is made of two layers of 
plywood, spaced with another type of wood, which seems to be a serious 
overkill. The wings inboard ribs are made of a thick layer of fiberglass.

I have checked the plans, but I am not too I understand what they say. 

- Are  both ribs made of plywood? From drawing N°68 page 79 of the manual, 
I am under the impression that the wing inboard wing is 1inch thick foam. 
Is that true? 
- What thickness plywood should I use?
- What size can I make the lightening holes?
- Is there any advantage in applying a layer of fibeglass on the plywood 
(or on the foam, if that's the case)?
- How should I bond the rib to the wingskin?

Serge Vidal
(Status: overhaul)
Paris, France

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