KR-Net, I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update your latest contact information. Your information is stored in my personal address book. I will use Crossroads Church contacts for church communications only and will not share them outside church staff.
Click the following link to correct or confirm your information: Name: KR-Net Job Title: Company: Work E-mail: Work Phone: Work Fax: Work Address Line 1: Work Address Line 2: Work City, State, Zip: Mobile Phone: Home E-mail: Home Phone: Home Fax: Home Address Line 1: Home Address Line 2: Home City, State, Zip: Birthday: P.S. I've included my Plaxo card below so that you have my current information. I've also attached a copy as a vCard. +----------------- | Randy Smyre ( | | Associate Pastor | | Crossroads Church of the Nazarene | 71 Nazarene Ln. | Milton, PA 17847 | work: (570) 524-4819 | fax: (570) 524-4891 | mobile: (570) 713-9661 | web: +------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ This message was sent to you by via Plaxo. To opt out: Plaxo's Privacy Policy: