Kevin Farley <> wrote:
Hey Ron,

Just wondering. Do you have a place to store your website at? 
Meaning, do you have a server, and/or a domain for all the pictures to 
be placed.

Kevin Farley

Hi Kevin, 

I've been trying to get them loaded on my Geocities site that I purchased for 
8.95 a month. It keeps telling me that the files for upload have to be .jpg 
format and gives me an error message to that affect. Well the pics are in .jpg 
format!!! I just don't have the time to be on the phone with Yahoo trying to 
figure it out. I was able to load one page of six photos, but when I tried to 
use "page builder" that's when it came to a screeching halt. I'm supposed to be 
able to have  1gb of space, but as I said I just don't have the time to mess 
with it.

Ron Smith,

Cypress, Orange County, Calif.


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