What if you are crabbing to a landing, using the >rudder and the tail wheel is in the same orientation? I think you need to >be very precise when you really have no slack. >Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
If I'm "crabbing" to a landing I'll want to straighten out before touchdown and that will require the use of rudder and wing down. I'm thinking I want the same correction with the tailwheel as I have with the rudder if I were to touch down in a full stall. Most likely I'd touch tail-low and then stick it on with forward stick but that's just me. My tailwheel would not come into play until the tail settled. I have a four inch,steerable, full swivel, compression spring connected setup with a very small amount of slack in the cables and it works great for me. There are many tailwheel setups out there and they all seem to work if flown properly. The DC3 has NO tailwheel steering as well as many other aircraft that have been flying for 50+ years. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it !!! See you in Mt.Vernon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Larry Flesner