The KR as such is nothing much, but the concept
generally results in a stunning wee bird - it offers
wonderful potential and brings out the best in the
"experimental" component amongst us.

Witness N19MMR, N41768, N891JF, N4DD, N902G, N1213W,
N??TP.  The jury is still out on 53ML, but my guess is
that this variant will do the fleet great justice. Add
the Yeehaa of them all, old big foot (N211LF) and what
do we have - anything but a KR - we have a collection
of brilliant airplanes that have ALL been inteligently
adapted to suite a variety of tastes and desires. 
There are many, many more.

In short - the KR is a concept, the resultant
airplanes are the innovative expressions of
imaginative and creative craftsmen.  Sounds a bit
poetic, but it is true.

Sadly, 90% of the aggro around a KR stems from the
need for changes.  We all agree that the stock KR2 or
even 2S, built as per plan and within the weight,
would be a great day, VFR, hand start, around the
patch airplane.

Adrian Carter (C-FAFY) demonstrated this (and some)-
he even made good use of the original RR folding legs
(and no KR nett).

However, as evidenced by everything I have seen, the
typical KR builder wants something else (more).

Yes - we need to lean over sometimes and we need to
"experiment" sometimes, but when one of the respected
members of the group makes a statement like:

The only potential good result that I can see coming
from this recent set of discussions is that most of
the planes will never be finished.

Well that essentially screws that discussion - not so?

Not sure hoe he differentiate between the guy /gal
that runs out of cash, looses a job, someone dies,
divorce - any one of a hundred reason for quitting -
and then pegs the cause to a modified mainspar.

This is sad.  I know where the guy is coming from and
he is mostly correct in a world of litigation and in
the world of "minding my own business" - a world that
the pioneers of aviation would never understand - ask
Wilbur (or Orville).

The other part of minding my own business is really
doing exactly that.

If you feel safe in your ivory tower and you have no
need for help from anyone, why do you read the posts -
if not to seek an opportunity to contribute?  With
great respect, I know that you shared your composite
u/c design with those that are planning a 1400lb
airplane.  Not much help coz none of us have a 1400lb
main spar (like you do).  Yes, you exonerated
yourself, but I call that a cop out.

This will probably cost me dearly, but what have you
actually contributed lately - criticism does not
count.  The brief bio does not for count much either.

Even the insufferable Colin (and Beverly) Rainey tries
to contribute - poor misguided soul.  Never mind, at
least he tries.

I take my cue from LF, ML, MJ, TP, DH and the like -
they are the backbone of the KR as it stands today. 
They wil hedge, duck and dive - but eventually they
will help.  Actually, that is not true - only applies
to the the guy with the over-active Labrador - but he
will always be constructive if you are honest with him
(and patient)

Some of them hold you in awe, so I followed suite.

I want to build an airlane.  I am a 500 hout PPL and
an engineer (certified, degreed - whatever) so I fully
appreciate your concerns.

I have the money ready - even for a QB RV8/9 kit, but
that would be a bit like having haemerroids - every
other asshole has them.  (Sorry Dana - I suspect that
you may stiil be around)

The last comment from the esteemed member (with the
brief bio) really canned it for me.

Eureka, I have found my way forward - same price, same
performance, same media, the only snag is that the
support group is foreign - so no KRnett.

It is not a KR, but all the variants are close -
Anything from a single seat, 2 in tandem, two
side-by-side, VW /Vair /0-200 or even IO-360.  No mods
required, the cabin (on the side-by-side models) is
wider than a C172 and most of them offer conventional
gear, or the training gear, or folding legs.

Plans cost a few bob more, but then they are the
creations of Claude Piel (or Giuseppe Vidor) - no mods
required.  (simmilar pedigree to the SF260, Ferrari,


Quote: "Ken Rand and Stu Robinson where not experts in
airplane structures, but they did not need to be. 
They copied an existing design and did not screw 
around with it" end quote.

Wow - from a 35hp single seat to a 65hp two seater
without screwing with the design - fuck me gently

At your mercey ML - a man must do what a man must do.

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