Friday afternnon I got a call that Bob Lester (kr2 with Corvair) was on his way to Atlanta and wanted to stop in for the night on his way through. I got to the airport just in time to see him land his "starship" ( as he calls it) on 35. He taxiied over to my hanger and we talked a bit. Local maintenance guy was nice enough to let us hanger the plane in the corner of the Big hanger (no charge). We had a great time of lots of food and chat. Saturday showed up with lots of fog so we hung around, work on my swirl plate for my plane (Ive installed the wheel pants and ram air and have had to monkey with the carburation some) but aroun 130pm the weather started to clear up so we took off and left the pattern on his beginning leg to Atlanta. He was ahead of me but I soon caught up (I have about 30mph on him) we compared numbers, took a couple in flight photos before he headed north. What FUN! Why in the world did I take so long to get this thing finished? You guys have to safe but keep things simple. One of the most interesting things we discussed was the fact of how much KR builders try to squeeze every ounce of speed, economy and cost out of these little planes. More spam cans people fly and accept the numbers without trying to improve them whereas we will modify and change things to improve performance without sacrificing expense. My home is always open to any kr builder flying - or driving - through Valdosta Georgia. Way may discuss an southern fly-in for krs here in the future - dont forget the fly in to William Wynne's Corvair College in two weekends....A great opportunity to show your handiwork and to lend a helping hand. Just bring a good attitude and optimism. Dont foget to vote.....Go BUSH!! Bill Clapp