Mark - I towed my KR to the airport behind my 61 VW Beetle!   I  removed the 
ball from my hitch and made a little braket that looks like a small  box that 
the tailweel fits inside of and bolted it to the hitch.  The  tailwheel sits 
in the bax and then is tied to it with rope.  Another idea  was to remove the 
tailweel assy where the verticle bolt goes through and then  run a longer bolt 
through that and the hitch ball hole with large area washers -  leaving it 
loose enough to swivel.  I was able to tow without removing the  rudder.  I 
traveled at 25 mph so the 5 mile trip took a few minutes  but was uneventful.  
Travel when traffic is light.  People will slow  down for you!  I only wish I 
had taken a picture...was thinking more about  flying.   Neat to see yours 
taxiing!  Having fun  yet?    Bill

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