The amount of flex required, especially for the ailerons fitted with a piano hing, would cause fibreglass and the paint on it to eventually crack. Also the fireglass is stiffer than Mylar and would cause more drag on the controls.
I've been using mylar on gliders for years and have already bought, about a year ago, 5 meters by 1 meter of 0.3 mm of mylar, I haven't fitted it yet as I want to get my test period flown off first. Though looking at that curved mylar from I will probably order some from them as I am concerned that flat mylar that wide may fold into the aileron gap, I have piano hing type fittings. Progress report: Jabiru 2200 fitted, making new cowling plug, then mould, then cowling. regards Barry Kruyssen Cairns, Australia RAA 19-3873 ----- Original Message ----- From: larry flesner Why not just make a strip of fiberglass as long and wide as you want. Lay it on plastic or other smooth, non-stick surface for a smooth finish and glass/epoxy it to the bottom side of the wing to cover the gap. If you have to remove the aileron you could undo the aileron pushrod and tip the aileron to the vertical position to get to the hinge attach bolts. A piece of tape on the aileron surface would keep the gap seal from marking the paint.