Nice to hear from you Mark... I used the aeropoxy lite filler in the thicker areas (over 1/8) such as in fillets and on my front deck in front of the canopy. I then used Evercoat's Basecoat filler (red and black can) for the rest of the general filling from (0-1/8). This leaves slight blemishes and holes so I then use USC's Icing (comes in a tube) to fill these in. I used a 2K primer filler called EZ Sand - (standard automotive) for the first primer coat. I then sanded and then put on one heavy coat of U-tech epoxy primer (white). This stuff is tough as nails but sand easy once you sand through the outer "shell" You can fly with just this primer if you want. It is a true epoxy and holds the underlying bodywork together well. I then used cheap basecoat white (40.oo/gallon) and a gallon of Transtar Clearcoat. The red was a bit more work. I only put on one coat of white because of the white primer underneath and one coat of clear - it keeps the weight down. All in all not too bad.