
     The way I did it is as follows:

     I cut out of a 3/4 inch thick piece of plywood a ten inch circle using
a fly cutter with a 1/4 inch drill bit in the center.  Then through one side
put a 1/4 inch bolt that has a 3/4 inch grip length so when you put a nut on
it, it will go all the way down tight.  On the other side glue on five 2
inch blocks of foam.  put the installed bolt in a drill press and sand to
shape.  Be sure to use bi-directional glass when you cover it and when it
dries put it back in the drill press for sanding.  Finish to a smooth
surface just like any other glassed surfaced.  Then prim and paint.  The
last step is to cut the plywood cirrle away and remove all of the foam.  If
it seems weak or thin, glass the inside.  This is the way I did mine and it
lasted until I sold the KR-2 several years later.

Bob Stone, Harker Heights. Tex

-------Original Message-------

From: KRnet

Date: 09/21/04 07:54:34

To: KR builders and pilots

Subject: KR> Spinners

Hi all,

Does anybody know of any good sources of information for fabricating
fibreglass spinners??




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