My Dynon EFIS does not exhibit turning errors, because it senses and responds to the total Earth magnetic field vector.
+++++++++++++++++++ Hey Sid - I am about to order 4 Dynon's (EFIS D10) and I still have no first hand info on their performance. I had some reservations and communicated with someone at Dynon (Doug Medema) - he answered my questions, but still left me wondering. I would be interested in any advice or info you may be prepared to part with. I am particularly interested in the AH function during very slow turns - have you noted any tendency for the instrument to lag or become "lost"? Would you be comfortable with just a D10 in IF conditions. I am referring to the functionality, not the reliability. Did you use their fancy AoA pitot? You comment about the compass is interesting - despite reading the blurb many times, I did not realize that this facility existed. I will happily chop 4 x $169 off the order. Take care Steve J