patrusso @ is interested in any info you get about retractable gear. Could you forward what you get? My snail mail is Pat Russo, 1062 South Road, Bradford, Vermont 05033,.. if info is not practible to e-mail. My 3rd KR has just moved to the airport for taxi tests and during the winter I wish to go retractable,.... with tail wheel. Thanks. Pat
- KR> (no subject) GavinandLouise
- KR> (no subject) Pat Driscoll
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> AS&S update Mark Langford
- KR> N56ML Stephen Jacobs
- KR> N56ML Mark Langford
- KR> N56ML / Tiny Tach Wesley Scott
- KR> N56ML / Tiny Tac... Mark Langford
- KR> N56ML / Tiny... Mark Langford
- KR> N56ML/ Tablet PC Steve Glover
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) BRIAN DEMARKS
- KR> (no subject) Joseph H Horton
- KR> (no subject)
- KR> (no subject) Dennis & Colleen Nations
- KR> (no subject) rparker
- KR> (no subject) Mark Jones
- KR> (no subject) rparker
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) patrusso
- KR> (no subject) Allen Wiesner