My experience here in New Zealand has been much the same (our national
group is called SAANZ). For me, when I was building my RV-6, it was the
RV-list that provided the help and support. I notice that some, larger,
chapters seem to have a very active membership, with regular meetings
and fly-ins and chapter projects. Other chapters seem to be less active.
I did help get a chapter started in my area, but must admit that the
demands of construction meant that I didn't actually put much effort
into it.=20

So I think that EAA chapters are actually run and organised by homebuilt
fliers, rather than homebuilders. And of course, once you've got a great
plane to fly, that's where your interest will lie. I think the lack of
interest may also be partly because plane-builders tend to be
individualists. If you were a social groupie people-person, you probably
wouldn't be able to stand 100s of hours working by yourself.=20

I have also found that meeting with individual RV-builders, especially
those working in a similar area to of the plane to you, is very helpful.
Through the EAA chapter, find out who's building a KR in your area, and
invite yourself round to have a look at what he's doing and/or what he
did on the part you're working on. Most builders love to talk about what
they're doing, and are generous with advice and suggestions. I used to
regularly drive to another town a couple of hundred miles away, and on
the way back I'd drop in on an RV builder. We'd get talking, and it
would yet another 2am return home.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Fenlason []=20

I also have been disappointed with the EAA groups in my area. They seem
to exist as a social-party entity.When I talk about building something
their response is generally something like " we can't be bothered with
something like that. That takes time, we want to fly." While I admit
they do some good things, Young Eagles etc., I sure haven't gotten any
help or even encouragement towards building an airplane. You guys on
KRnet ( and the
gathering) have been much more of an inspiration than I've ever gotten
from EAA. I've actually gotten back to working on my plane and it might
fly by next year if I can get all the little things I know little about
past the FAA inspector.
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