Good Morning gang,

Well I guess I needed to get off the couch and pre-register as Larry had 
previously asked.  So, that is now done.

A word about the gathering.  After hosting two prior gatherings myself, I 
can assure you Larry is very, very busy setting this gathering up for you, 
the pilots and builders.  It takes a lot of up front money and time to get 
everything together so it appears to run itself, trust me, that is not the 
case.  I am sure, after talking with Larry several times over the last 
several months, volunteers will be maning various tables, signup, banquet 
signup, lunch, forum presenters, awards and such.  I'm going to jump in for 
Larry here, raise your hand or tap Larry on the shoulder and volunteer to do 
something/anything over the gathering weekend.  Trust me, it will be 
appreciated.  Also, remember this gathering is attendee financed.  As an 
example, I had to pay a very substantial deposit to block rooms at Lake 
Barkley in addition to putting a deposit on the banquet hall.  In addition, 
the host has to buy hats, t-shirts, name tags and a multitude of other 
expenditures.  Larry will spend some of his own money up front.  My 
experience, as most other host experienced, we ended up with more money at 
the end than we started with to be forwarded to the next host but it takes 
some out of pocket money to pull this off.  Remember, it takes money to pull 
off the gathering so buy a hat, buy a t-shirt drop an extra $$ into the 
donation box, remember this is your gathering not the host's gathering.

Man, I'm glad I got that off my chest:-)

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
Finish kit
13B Rotary. Hangar flying my Dynon.
do not archive

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