It has been brought to my attention that everyone who has parts for sale or 
trade should bring them to the gathering. This could be a good time to do a 
little bartering, horse trading or simply just sell those items you do not need 
such as the flap handle I need to sell. Instruments, avionics, hardware, 
preformed parts, home made parts, heck just anything you think someone else may 
want. Bring it and tag it with your name and selling price. Who knows, what you 
do not need any longer may be just what someone else is looking for. Lets make 
this gathering one for the record books. Let's shoot for the largest attendance 
ever along with the most KR's ever. I am getting the fever and bet the rest of 
you are too. 

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA 
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

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