I've just got to ask...  What on earth is a speed break, and why is it 
regarded (by some?) as a good thing to have on your KR?

I was at the local aero club yesterday, and asked one of the knowledgeable 
builders what he thought of the KR2.  He thought for a moment and said, 
"Very sensitive on the controls.  And they float on landing.  Definitely 
not a short strip plane".  Would this be an accurate summary of the plane?

Which brings me back to the speed brake question.  Am I correct in assuming 
that it a device which assists in slowing the plane down on landing, and 
reducing the float?  If so, it would seem a very desirable addition.  And 
where can I find out more?


BTW, reading the many posts which deal with KR2 pitch sensitivity in which 
the comparison is frequently made to a Cessna 152 or similar aircraft, also 
has me intrigued.  I've never flown a 152 or anything like it.  I've just 
got my PPL in a Robin R2120.  Low wing, O-235, glides like a brick.  It 
certainly doesn't fly for more than a few seconds hands-off, no matter how 
carefully it is trimmed or how stable the air.  I regard this as 
normal.  Anyone else flown one of these planes?  If this is all that is 
meant by the KR2's pitch sensitivity, then my worries are over as far as 
this is concerned.  Or is the KR2's flight characteristics more sinister 
than this?


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