The shear load is not affected. It is always the total weight that is being carried by the spar. Increasing the spacing between the spar caps does not affect the shear.
+++++++++++++++++ Thank you for that, advice on this level is very much appreciated. I Sometimes I see the neutral axis far away from the forces and thus the plane where loads are least - then again, logic (mine) suggests that loads must be the highest opposite forces along the NA. Where we need a 2 to 3" hole through the spar in the web surfaces (for control runs etc.) is it better to avoid the centre of the web? I am tempted to fit a filler block (extra pillar) between the ply webs in the area of the hole, but worry about creating a stress break (riser?). Pending a better solution, my intention is to place a reinforcing ring of the same ply around the hole - maybe change the grain direction. Steve J