Years ago on the net or in the newsletter someone suggested tapering only 0ne side of the outboard caps. That also gave 90 degree glue joints on the upright spacers
++++++++++++++++++++ This is the way I would like very much to go - mainly to have more surface area (glue area) for the wing skins. I am doing the bent-spar number, that means laminated caps, so it is convenient to taper this way - progressively shorter strips. The way mine are drawn, the pillars are all the same length and the joints are 90 degrees. With the AS5048 to 46 this results in the outboard sections of the caps probably being a bit thicker (stronger) than they really need to be - is this a problem? The spar cap spacing is notably bigger with the new sections. I gather from the structural guys that this makes for a stronger wing spar (for the same size cap material) - question is, are the shear loads now greater maybe requiring a heavier ply web? I missed the last boat from Africa, so I shall miss the "gathering" maybe Bwana Larry will attempt some email instruction on the neat levelling trick. Have a great weekend Steve J Zambia