Friends: Anyone up in Maine that can talk to Joel? Don't be put off by his "accent." He's really a great guy who has helped many of us with ham radio. Now he's talking up our hobby - flying! Here's what he says about himself and his flying experience:
I have previious flight eperience I have 40 hrs + dual logged 7 hours solo logged about 150 hrs in ultralights, 3/axix cont dual cross countries done passed the written a couple of times got about 300+ hours on the microsoft flight simulatar in a cessna 172 I've been studyig the private pilots hand book I've stalled, spun and done some real engine out landings on cross countries.. in the ultralights... instruments flight no problem...vor, gps even some landings with visibility down to 1/2 mile or less.... yes its adicting > DEAREST U'ALL >i HAS JUST BEEN THEREATENED BY MY XYL.....actually sentence has been >passed.... > Come August or September I gotta start flying lessons, or >else...unspecified..... >any suggestions would be apreciated... What can a fat old ham like me do >with a private pilot's licence??? > any particular things I should practice on the flight >simulator....???/ >terrible situatiion terrible.... :-) >joel > >KE1LA >Joel Denison >Strong, Maine, 04983 >Freezin solid up heah I've not met Joel personally, so I don't know whether he would physically fit in a KR, or whether he has the woodworking skills to build one, but I'm guessing that he would thoroughly enjoy seeing one. Please contact him directly at Thanks. David Lininger