Mark, You should try a ferrite ring or EMI filter it might help with interference.
>From: "Mark Langford" <> >Reply-To: KRnet <> >To: "KRnet" <> >Subject: Re: KR> engine update >Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:54:56 -0500 > >Mike Warner wrote: > > > My father had the same problem with the tiny tach on a motor home with a > > high energy ignition system. The problem was too much signal. He solved > > the problem by reducing the number of turns around the wire. I believe > > he was down to one loose turn to get the proper reading. > >I tried all kinds of combinations of wraps (it would still pick up a signal >4" away from the wire), and even put a resistive filter network on it >(recommended by Tiny Tach), and then went the extra mile with a >potentiometer and dialed it all over the place trying to get it to work. I >eventually had it to the point that it would either read twice the speed it >should, or "quit" (got back to displaying hours). The Tiny Tach guy was >supposed to send me a new one last week, but I'm still waiting on it. I did >get the EIS to read right (by setting the "tachP/R" to 6), so I have one >good tach already. Right now I'm waiting on my Ellison carb to do some more >runs. I expect I'll get more power out of it. > >The only thing between me and a BFR is a 100 hour inspection on the 172, and >twenty minutes of night flight time... > >Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL >N56ML at >see KR2S project N56ML at > > >_______________________________________ >to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to >please see other KRnet info at _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with [1]With MSN Premium Get 2 Months FREE* References 1.