The instructions and drawings on the ailerons are a little unclear and I'd like 
to check my assumptions.
1.  The hinge is p/n MS200001-P5?
2.  The text calls for "8/32" pan head ?bolts?" (I assume he meant screws) but 
the drawing shows countersunk screws which seems more logical for clearance 
purposes.  I plan to use MS24694 screws.
3.  The text calls for the nutplates to be floxed directly to the spars, NO 
backup plates.  Has anybody used nutplate channel strips or other methods to 
provide for backup plates?  Also, the drawing on page 88 shows elastic stop 

Allen G. Wiesner  KR-2S/TD S/N 1118
65 Franklin Street
Ansonia, CT 06401
(203) 732-0508

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