Looks like I'm going to be owning a spam can shortly (71 Cardinal RG)
As a result, I am preparing to sell my KR-2 project N541RY.

    After negotiating with the wife for a larger plane, I had to concede 
I can only actually fly one at a time.  Work and other issues made me 
that I'd rather fly than build, so I need room in the hangar for my new 
(Actually I won't be hurt if it doesn't sell quickly)

It is NOT YET ready for inspection equipped as follows:

    KR-2 N541RY SN7947  (Slightly longer (8" or so) than stock KR-2, but 
prior to
                         KR-2S plans)
    1835cc VW Engine - Great Plains Aircraft long block kit.
    Deihl accessory case w/Bosh starter (no magneto)
    Mahagony prop by Props Inc Newport OR
    Comp-U-Fire Electronic Ignition
    Ellison Throttle Body Injector
    4:1 ceramic coated exhaust
    Terra TX760 Com/TR250 Transponder (installed NEW)
    Terra Built in Intercom/PTT switch on stick
    Jacks for Pilot/passenger behind pilot.
    Small Halon Fire Extinguisher
    RST Avionics antenna (in aft deck)
    Ameri-King Blind Encoder
    ACK ELT (remote switch cracked)
    Retract Gear with HAPI pin latch modification.
    Matco Disk Brakes and wheels
    11Hrs on Hobbs (about 5 on engine).
    VFR instrumentation (Altimiter, Airspeed, Compass, CHT, EGT, Gas) Plus
    Electric Gyro and VSI
    Rand Flap controls and center stick.
    Removeable forward deck.
    11Gal each wing, 5 gal header tank.  Each wing has independant Facet 
    pumps header is gravity feed.
    KRnet stickers on vertical tail.

    Includes Wing storage dolly, and wing self rigging cart.

    Work remaining to complete before sign-off:
    Elevator trim installation (not happy with stiffness in linkage aft).
    Canopy latch re-design.
    Lower wing center section glassing & wing fuel disconnect re-routing.
    (Helper in AZ damaged lower ctr section.)
    Needs flap torque rod access covers (lower center spar).
    Possible new cowling, existing cowling is marginal.
    Aileron rigging.
    Flap rigging.
    Pitot tube re-installation.  (Hangar Rash)

    I will be considering offers above $6000.00, if interested, I have a
PACE 16'x8' enclosed trailer available as well which I will sell with the
KR for an additional $4000.

    The aircraft is currently registered with the FAA as N541RY, but does 
have an airworthyness certifiate.  You would need to complete construction
and get it signed off.  (I have all construction logs).   Some discussions
on KRnet have hinted that you do not need to do all 51% of the work on
your kitplane, just that the plane needs to be homebuilt.  That is somthing
you really need to discuss with your local DAR or FSDO (in US).

    The plane is based in Corvallis Oregon (CVO) currently, but I live 92 
north, which is why I have little time for construction.

     I may list this on E-bay in a week or so, but thought I'd give the 
first shot.

   -- Ross

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