The "SASSER" virus is running rampant now.  My IT guy says it tries to harvest 
e-mail addresses then randomly sends parts of old e-mails to random picks from 
your address list with a copy of itself buried in an attachment.  Norton has a 
SASSER blocker, but if you don't have the upgrade as of two days ago you may 
have lots of e-mail related problems.
Sid Wood, KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD 

 -----Original Message-----
[]  On Behalf Of Brian Kraut
Sent:   Tuesday, May 04, 2004 2:41 PM
To:     KRnet
Subject:        Re: KR> RV grin---off at a tangent

I was not from me.  Apparently, someone with a lot of KRlisters in their 
address book got a virus and now the email addresses are being spoofed or the 
addresses were harvested off of the archives.

I got an email that said it was from Mark Langford's old email address that he 
has not used in a year and a half two days ago.

Fair warning, just because an email says it is from someone on this list 
doesn't mean it is safe or that it really came from that person.  Send the 
person an email to what you know is their correct address and see if they 
really sent you an attachment before you go and open it.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Dene Collett \(SA\)" <>
Reply-To: KRnet <>
Date:  Mon, 3 May 2004 23:03:51 +0200

>To Brian  Kraut
>I received an e-mail from you (at least that is where it said it came from)
>with the subject line stating "valuable information " or something like
>that. Did it come from you or is it somethimg I should get rid of with its
>attachment A.S.A.P.
>I tried to send you a message privately but it was returned, sorry to the
>rest of you guys for using bandwidth for this.
>Dene Collett
>KR2S-RT builder
>Port Elizabeth
>South Africa
>P.S: checkout
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Brian Kraut" <>
>To: "KRnet" <>
>Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:58 AM
>Subject: KR> RV grin
>> One thing I forgot on my Sun and Fun report.
>> I took a demo ride in an RV-9 (no throwing rotten tomatoes at me please,
>> was a free ride that I couldn't pass up).  It climbs like a homesick angel
>> and has great performance.  It is roomy and is whole lot more fun that any
>> Wichita spam can, but I have to say that the RV grin is not even in the
>> league as the KR grin.  The KR beats it hands down by an order of
>> in the fun factor.
>> In all fairness to Dana and the thousands of other RV owners, it is a
>> plane and has the KR beat in some areas, but fun flying certainly is not
>> of them.
>> Brian Kraut
>> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
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