
On my earlier test flights I found my ASI was under reading by 8 knots at 120 
knot cruise when the pitot/static were mounted as per the plans under the wing. 
I figured there was too much turbulance from the wheel spats and thus moved the 
assembly to a position some eight inches forward of the wing gap on the 
extended chord line. This nows gives me a much closer reading of true airspeed 
( remember to adjust for temp and altitude) compared to GPS runs into and out 
of wind. Also the tubes cannot get bent by a flexing undercarriage!!! Don't ask 
how I know this can happen.

Bingelis (an article I found on the web somewhere) suggests that the static can 
be fine tuned using a small O-ring on the tube either before or after the 
static hole. I'll try and find the site and post it shortly.

Regards John

The Martindale Family
29 Jane Circuit

phone:  61 2 66584767


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