
Sometime ago, Dan Heath and I did a X-plane simulation
of the KR2 as per plans built with a VW engine. That
plane does fly in a nose down attitude as Larry

Keeping everything else same, I changed the wing
incidence and horizontal stab incidence as per Mark's
figures, and the KR2 seemed to fly in a much more
normal attitude. Also, it seemed a little less
sensitive. But I didn't stretch it and I didn't use
the corvair.. so it is not an accurate model of Mark's

The X-plane simulation is a work in progress, but Dan
and I haven't worked on it for sometime now.

If anyone is interested in receiving the simulation
(X-plane 7.0+) email me off the net and I can email
you the current version of the plane.

I don't have the S supplement so I can't model the S.

Ameet Savant
ameetsavant at yahoo dot com

--- larry flesner <fles...@midwest.net> wrote:
> It would seem to confirm the theory that the
> wing has too 
> much incidence and that the 1.5 to 2 degrees that
> some are 
> Larry Flesner

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