
I got by the airport for a short flight in the KR yesterday before
going in to work and laying tile for 10 hours.  This part-time
job is killing me.

Anyway, I measured my stick angles with the digital level.
Be advised, my aileron bellcranks are redrilled to give me
more aileron travel and these angles are approximate.  
I took the measurements with a considerable amount of haste.

Stick travel for aileron is 25 degrees each side of neutral.
Elevator is 34 degrees back from neutral and 
28 degrees forward from neutral.  These may be several 
degrees in error so don't go changing or altering any building 
plans if yours aren't the same.

The next measurement is my Christmas present for Mark Langford.
He's been waiting years for this number.  Again, this number
was taken with considerable haste and I'm sure Mark and
I will confirm it with greater accuracy at some point.

At 155 indicated my KR, standard wing built to plans, appears
to fly with the nose down at a -2 degrees.  I don't know how
close this number is so don't pull your money off the table just
yet.  It would seem to confirm the theory that the wing has too 
much incidence and that the 1.5 to 2 degrees that some are 
using would be closer to what is needed.  At 95 mph IAS on 
climbout it was reading in the +8 degree range if that means 
anything to anybody.

Two more days of laying tile and then it's KR time again!
YEE HAA..........

Larry Flesner

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