What gains,  useful load; cruise spd etc does turbo give you(also operating
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Kraut" <brian.kr...@engalt.com>
To: "Orma Robbins" <o...@aviation-mechanics.com>; "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: KR>Turbocharging a KR

> Dan Diehl did some good articles on turbocharging the VW.  I can't
remember exactly where I saw them.  I think it was in some of the old KR
newsletters that are available online.  Anyone remember exactly where the
articles were?
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Orma Robbins" <o...@aviation-mechanics.com>
> Reply-To: Orma Robbins <o...@aviation-mechanics.com>, KRnet
> Date:  Sun, 7 Mar 2004 20:25:20 -0500
> >Good evening Net
> >
> >With all the hot gas passing lately, it reminded me to ask about
turbocharging.  My KR started life with a turbo.  It was removed before
certification due to failure which was my fault.  My goal is to create more
power.  I would like 100 hp and feel that this is only a modest increase to
squeeze from my type IV.  I need info from any and all turbo'ed KR.
Pictures would be nice, and all opinion and discussion is welcomed. Any info
with pictures please send off net.   I seem to have a couple of turbo's
available, both oil cooled.  I plan to use a waste gate to control boost
pressure.  My bird already has a manifold pressure gauge, and oil temp.  I
have looked at a lot of sand rail web sites and gotten some info.  Most of
it is not applicable as it relates to an aero engine.    I have converted a
2.3 liter car to a turbo intercooled car and love the extra power.  Several
of the issues that I have considered are: detonation, which can be
controlled by use of 100LL and by timing;  Compression, which can be reduced
with barrel shims; and mixture which can be changed with a different jet.
> >Orma L. Robbins Southfield MI
> >19 Years flying KR-2 N110LR
> >http://www.aviation-mechanics.com
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