> "Mark Jones" <flyk...@wi.rr.com> writes:
> Today I received a RAC trim system from AS&S and it 
> did not include the LED position indicator as they represent
> that it does. I ordered the T4-5 model and when I received it,
> the instructions states that the T4-5 servo has no compatible
> position indicator. The AS&S catalog leads you to believe
> that all the RAC Systems come with a Servo, Clevis/Pushrod,
> Rocker Switch and LED Position Indicator. Well, the T4-5
> does not and I am pi$$ed that I was mislead.

  Misteaks hapenne; it's a large catalog and they get a lot of
  descriptions (and related good info.) right.

  OTOH, the opportunity is now presented to make up a simple
  position indicator and provide it to others feeling the pinch 
  from RAC not offering one.    Perhaps a simple PC-board
  with a wiper contact attached to the moving arm of the servo,
  or even a potentiometer dialing an analog voltmeter in the
  cockpit ?    A bar-graph LED display would be nice on the
  panel, easy to accomplish, and could work with either driver.

  Art Cacella   1970 American AA-1  N6155L  "Dinkie"
                      1972 KR-1 Plans, still not started <sigh>
                      ( but four metal homebuilts underway )
  Winston-Salem, NC

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