Netters, Sorry to poke my nose in, but an idea just popped into the "little gray cells" (Hercule Poirot, BBC Murder Mysteries). If the Facet got plugged (with anything really) and that forced a Baja Bug down, and other netters advocate a 70 micron filter between tank and pump, what does it matter?
It is nice to stop debris from getting into the pump by means of a filter, but the REAL "fly in the ointment" is the shut down!!! If we catch the debris at the filter, and the fuel flow stops, guess what? You got it! The engine stops. At least I THINK it stops... Last I heard, engine outage was not a good thing, something to be avoided. Perhaps we should be interested in what caused the foam to come loose in the Baja?? I'm not at all against the filter, but I really would like to treat it like life insurance. That filter is for someone after I die, and I'm not ready to die... just yet. Call me persnikity, but I want all my protection up front! Sorry to be such a wimp. Thanks for allowing me to vent (if that is what is is). Richard Alps Littleton, Colorado