  I had some KR stickers made up using the KR logo we have on the net a few 
ago.  They were done on vinyl, and cost me about $100 to get the things 
Then the guy who did the work went out of business... the idea was that I 
order more later without paying the setup fee.. UGH!.

    I checked at one time with the guy who did our krnet logo, and I 
believe he
gave me permission to use the logo so that we could raise funds for the 
I have some of the stickers left (someplace), and if I ever found them, I 
be happy to send them to Mark L. For his tireless job. (He volunteered to 
take over
after I just wasn't up to the task).

    At any rate... as the last sticker maker, I would hold no offense if 
made more decals, as long as proceeds went to support the 'net.   I was 
stickers away for $5/10 contributions as I recall.  That paid for annual 
web space
and add free hosting at the time about $100/200 year or so.   I usually 
got more
mails than I had time to deal with them, and it was just easier to pay for 
myself, back then, my daughter wasn't in college and I could afford it.

   Whomever wants to make stickers, should contact Mark L I think.  Just to 
things in the family.

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004 10:20:05 -0500, Orma Robbins 
<> wrote:

> to scrape something up in support of KRnet.
> Mark L and all netters.
> I belong to another list which just posted their annual fund raiser to 
> help
> off set their costs.  The Idea is not unique or complex and to be honest 
> I
> can't say how much if any the plan will raise for them.  And just as a 
> side
> comment, it's disgusting that with a group this size that more voluntary
> contributions did not come.  Any way, the TurboFord site sells TurboFord
> stickers for $4.00 each and $.50 for shipping.  If just half of the 
> members
> of this list participated by buying a sticker it would provide good 
> income.
> I'm not sure who has the rights to the KR stickers that I have seen in 
> the
> past, put perhaps they could help us out.  The members who contribute 
> would
> have something to proudly display.  For me the KRnet is reward enough.
> Before the Net and when the old news letters started to come not so 
> often, I
> was very disappointed.  It would be a tremendous shame to see that 
> happen to
> the KRnet.  Remember that nothing in life is completely free.
> Orma aka AviationMech
> 19 Years flying the KR-2
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